When The Sun Drowns In The Ocean

Concerning the vocals on the ALTAR OF PLAGUES song “When The Sun Drowns In The Ocean” form their new album Mammal, here is an explanation as to where they derive from for those who have heard the track and are curious as to the origin of the vocals:

Taken from the band’s website:

“The audio is that of an old Irish funerary custom known as “keening” (from the Gaelic “caoineadh” – “to cry”). This was a vocal lament normally sang over the corpse of the deceased by an elderly women in improvised or pre-composed meter. The woman’s hair would be un-brushed and let hang down over the corpse to symbolize the disarray of death while expressing emotions of grief, loss, bitterness and love. Reference would be made to the deceased person’s genealogy, deeds and character and curses could be uttered if there was an identifiable person to blame for the death. The custom, although probably of ancient origin, can be dated to the 8th century and remained an integral part of Irish tradition up until the beginning of the 20th century when centuries of opposition from the church finally succeeded in abolishing it.”