MONARCH – Complete Work On New Album

Extreme French doom metal band MONARCH have completed work on their new album “Sabbracadaver”, a sonic doom ritual presenting itself as MONARCH’s most colossal offering yet amongst a pretty extensive repertoire that spans a twelve year existence as one of Europe’s most recognized extreme doom entities.

Comprised of three tracks spanning 46 minutes, “Sabbracadaver” holds true to those familiar with MONARCH’s crawling, dark, yet enchanting and haunting style of time-stretching doom. Down-tuned, procession and funeral like, “Sabbracadaver” is an overbearing album in which once you get taken within its timeless vortex, there is no escaping the enveloping shadow that will suffocate you upon immersion. “Sabbracadaver”, led by chanteuse Emilie Bresson, is a work that beckons, an album that’s sonically agonizing yet at the same time, an album that upholds a ghostly creepy aura through its primal atmospheric beauty.

Set to be released on July 22nd, tracklisting for “Sabbracadaver” goes as follows:

1. Pentagrammes
2. Louves
3. Mortes

Check out a video for an edited version of the track “Mortes” here: