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Nov 12th will see the re-issue of YOB’s cult doom metal classic “Catharsis” on the ten year anniversary of when it was first released. Out of print and hard to obtain for many years, “Catharsis” is an album which marked a turning point in the career of one of the most important doom metal bands today. It is the album in which helped define the signature style of massive colossal doom that YOB are known for harnessing unto the masses.
Originally recorded in early 2002 but not released until fall 2003, “Catharsis” was released at a time when the heavier side of American doom metal was recognized by a select few bands and releases (i.e. “Holy Mountain”, “Jerusalem”, “Crippled Lucifer”, “The Art Of Self Defense”, “Goatsnake Vol 1” and various Neurosis releases) which helped play a part in influencing YOB’s sound. But it was with “Catharsis” in which YOB would create a new sound of their own, a sound of doom which would inevitably develop itself over the years and finally be recognized as one of the most powerful sounds emanating from the doom metal scene as proven by YOB’s succeeding albums.
It was “Catharsis” that laid down the groundwork for YOB which allowed Mike Scheidt and co. to be recognized as visionaries in heavy music; three massive tracks of monolithic spaced-out heaviness to characterize such an album that climaxes in the 20-plus minute epic title track that many recognize as one of the greatest YOB songs ever written.
Re-mastered from the original tapes by Tad Doyle, giving “Catharsis” a more complete and warmer sound than the original, along with featuring new artwork and presentation design by Aaron Edge, and liner notes by Mike Schedit, this re-issue of “Catharsis” is the definite presentation of this album with its original tracklisting in place.
“Catharsis” tracklisting as follows